More —
Your first chance in 80 years
1110 Tauwhare Road, Cambridge
Is it your time for an opportunity? Well opportunity is knocking, 2.3175ha (more or less), 5.7acres (more or less) and your plans for the future start here.
Look at the subdivision potential, land bank or make it your family land for generations to come - your choice! A village setting – exclusive lifestyle properties – central to Hamilton, Morrinsville, Cambridge & beyond.
Presently: divided into 11 paddocks; large implement shed; haybarn/storage shed; 3 bay shed; shearing shed with covered pens; concrete yards; loading ramp; metal driveway suitable for stock trucks and turning bay; bore water; hen house; carport; orchard – apples, plums, apricots, peaches, figs, lemons; grapefruit, oranges and a vege garden called “the pantry” with a glasshouse too.
Disclosure: The two concrete block ‘cottage style’ accommodation (permitted as sheds) are enjoyed by the vendor.
Under the Waikato District Plan the property is within the: Living Zone and Hauraki Golf Catchment.
Watch our short video - tell us what you think!
Call Peter, Jason or one of the friendly team for a tender information pack.
Tender (will not be sold prior) All tenders to More Real Estate, 74 Victoria Street, Cambridge by 4pm Wednesday 12th February 2020.

Peter co-founded & designed More-Re due to his passion for leading real estate into a new era, ensuring his clients are aware and benefit from the best possible real estate packages & technologies available.
Not restricted by inflexibility and with a focus second to none, Peter achieves high performance results for his clients. This drive is inspired solely to give back to his clients and his super team of like-minded, visionary, energetic sales agents. Peter’s vision is to make a lasting difference to those that decide to get (jump) on the bus.
Peter is lucky enough to have a cabinet full of awards and trophies from the past 15 years in real estate. However, his motto is – “You are only as good as your tomorrow’s performance for your clients”.
Passion – Expertise – Integrity – Results

Jason was brought up surrounded by real estate. It now pumps through his veins. He has worked in the property industry for several years and has no doubt he will be in it for life – his focus is always on your success and improving your deal.
Jason has always had a creative edge. He is More-Re’s designated photographer and videographer, alongside his Sales Consultancy passion. He is his own biggest critic. He counts that as a quality of his and a benefit to his customers and clients.
He knows he may be underestimated, due to being one of the youngest agents in town, prepare for a shake-up. He is young, he is energetic, he is with the times. He is making waves in Cambridge.