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Calling Downsizers & First Home Buyers
87 Scott Street, Cambridge
Wrap this up in a bow and you have the present you are after - Wahoo!
An attractive two bedroom timber interior home enjoying a welcoming back yard, garage/ workshop, ramped for ease of access to the lounge slider AND ready for your personal touches to make it home.
A covered back door entry, well proportioned rooms, open plan living, large deck, practical comforts, and desirability of this super property.
$537000, $537,000, $537,000
- be prompt in your attention.
Call Rebecca 020 404 74120, Peter 021 987 867 or one of the friendly More-Re team for more information and to view.
Fairer commission: 2.8% on first $300k; 1.8% on balance plus gst. Enjoy our FREE marketing package that puts more eyes on your property. Looking to sell? Call us.

Peter co-founded & designed More-Re due to his passion for leading real estate into a new era, ensuring his clients are aware and benefit from the best possible real estate packages & technologies available.
Not restricted by inflexibility and with a focus second to none, Peter achieves high performance results for his clients. This drive is inspired solely to give back to his clients and his super team of like-minded, visionary, energetic sales agents. Peter’s vision is to make a lasting difference to those that decide to get (jump) on the bus.
Peter is lucky enough to have a cabinet full of awards and trophies from the past 15 years in real estate. However, his motto is – “You are only as good as your tomorrow’s performance for your clients”.
Passion – Expertise – Integrity – Results